
Search Engine Optimization is Important

If your business is internet based and you have a website, then you understand what the importance of attracting targeted visitors/customers. Once they land on your website it is important that they purchase your services. That’s why you have a website, correct?

Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways you can promote your website online by targeting your customers direct through their search queries. It is important that you know the basic SEO marketing techniques as described below.

1) Optimize your website for your customers and not for Search Engines

2) Use some specific keyword phrases / keywords that you will bring conversion for you. Study your industry and competitors and then test with PPC before starting your SEO campaign.

3) Your website content must include “Call to Action” words so that your visitor is forced to click links present on your website.

4) Use less images and more text. The only images that should be used are those that will entice the visitor to buy.

5) Linking structure for your site must be user friendly.

6) Add an XML Sitemap on your website that includes information for all pages.

7) Label your images via ALT text, but don’t keyword stuff.

8) Keep your website source code simple for search engine crawlers.

9) Move JavaScript to external file.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help you to achieve good rankings for your website in different search engines as you can read from this article – Grow business. It is important that your site gets listed in first seven listings. If your website ranks down the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) then you will hardly get any views and few, if any, clicks.

Along with optimization for your website it is important that you do web marketing for you business. You will find number of free and paid tools that helps you to get your website noticed in search engine. You can consider social bookmarking services, blog postings and submissions, article submissions and press release submissions for your business.

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