When you hear the phrase cat fountain you may not know what it is, but is really is exactly what the name says. Even though there are some people out there who think this idea is crazy, you may be surprised at the amount of health benefits these fountains have. With us pet owners not even realizing it our pets face dehydration in every season of the year.
The reason why pet owners began to see the need for a continuous water supply is because dehydration can be fatal if you do not catch it in time. Just by giving your pet more water you can actually improve their health, and that has been proven.
Just like humans, if cats and dogs do not drink enough water they can get UTIs and other urinary problems. Since cats are so independent we sometimes forget to check on things like their water but even if you have a large water supply left out for them, the water can still become stale and have a horrible taste.
The way you can look at it is that you would not want to drink water that was old and tasted bad so why would you may your cat drink that?
It isn’t hard to understand how the cat fountain works since it is simply just like every other fountain in the world. It pulls the water from the reservoir into a continuous stream so that way the water is continuously being filtered. Even if you have the same water in there for days it will be clean and refreshing with the charcoal water filters.
You will have to replace the filters when they need to be but other than that you won’t have to do much with this cat fountain other than put in some new water the container has used all of its reserved water.
If you want to learn more about the pet water fountain visit Petsium.com.