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What is the process to receive a U.S. patent?

First, a patent application must be filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The application must contain a full and adequate written description of the invention as well as any drawings necessary to understand the invention. The patent will include a number of claims which clearly specifies what the invention is.

The disclosure must be sufficient so that another person who is skilled in that particular technical field can create the invention based on that disclosure. This is the trade-off to receive a U.S. Patent. In exchange for the temporary monopoly, you must tell the world what the invention is and how to make it.

How do I find out if I can receive a patent on my idea?

The first thing to do is to give a full disclosure of your idea to your patent attorney. The more information, the better. Based on this information, you and your patent agency, such as InventHelp, can decide whether the idea has what it takes to become a patent. Before writing a patent application, it is a VERY good idea to do a search of Patent Office records to see if someone else has already claimed the idea.

A patent search is an inexpensive way to determine if a patent application is a good idea, or if it would be a waste of money. After a patent search is done, you should discuss the results with your patent agency. You should be able to determine whether you might receive a patent based on the results and you will get support from Invent Help all the way.

How long does the patent process take?

It’s difficult to say, except that it will be at least a year. The Patent Examiner has up to 14 months to respond to your application after it is submitted. Sometimes the Examiner responds more quickly, but don’t plan on it. However, you are “Patent Pending” as soon as the application is filed.

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